出品|虎嗅商业消费组作者|苗正卿题图|视觉中国在布莱恩·尼科尔(Brian Niccol)于9月正式成为星巴克CEO后,外界一直好奇这位曾在塔可钟、Chipotle Mexican Grill创下业绩增长神话的消费圈明星经理人,会如何扭转星巴克当下的 ...
To that end, Starbucks recently announced that it's acquiring two new coffee farms in Guatemala and Costa Rica. It plans to ...
Starbucks (SBUX) appoints Tressie Lieberman, a former Chipotle (CMG) executive, as chief brand officer under new CEO Brian ...
(纽约15日讯)全球最大连锁咖啡品牌星巴克(Starbucks)新首席执行员尼柯尔(Brian Niccol)上任后,打算将品牌重新定位,不仅大举裁撤高阶主管,也将以新政策取代折扣及促销活动。据外媒报导,尼柯尔自8月上任至今,第一件事就是“减少折扣” ...
星巴克过去常祭出的「买一送一」优惠,原是上班族的小确幸,但美媒分析指出,这类促销活动并未提振公司业绩。新任执行长尼可(Brian Niccol)接任后,正努力重新定位品牌,减少类似折扣活动,转而在特定节庆推出促销,将品牌重心回归咖啡本身。
Brian Niccol ordered his deputies to quietly reduce the plethora of discounts that were introduced to lure back ...
Starbucks on Tuesday announced it hired food marketing veteran Tressie Lieberman to take its top marketing job, the latest in ...
Just when investors were expecting the restaurant to keep up with its strong trajectory, CEO Brian Niccol announced his ...
据报道,星巴克正通过其移动应用减少促销活动,让客户全价购买咖啡和茶。此举是新任首席执行官Brian Niccol战略的一部分,旨在将星巴克重新定位为高端品牌,同时减轻员工的压力,因为促销活动多的时候,工作量非常大。
星巴克 (Starbucks)正在减少促销和打折。经过动荡的一年后,这是该公司新任首席执行官Brian ...
Tressie Lieberman, who has worked with Chipotle, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, will oversee marketing for the coffee shop giant.
BTIG维持了对星巴克公司(NASDAQ: SBUX)的买入评级,同时将这家咖啡巨头的目标价从之前的100美元上调至115美元。