人气女团IVE的成员张员瑛以36万4092票的超高票,稳坐2024 K-Pop最美女星第1名。(取自IG)(首尔17日讯)巴西娱乐媒体《Dabeme》在网站公布“2024 K-Pop百大最美女星”的投票结果。荣获第1名的是大势女团IVE的人气成员张员瑛,她凭藉洋娃娃般的脸蛋获得36万4092票,第2名及第3名都是来自8人女子限定团体UNIS的菲律宾籍成员,第2名的Gehlee获得35万7428票; ...
BBC Studios first look trailer of epic new Sir David Attenborough-narrated natural history series - Asia, is released ...
The CJ Entertainment-produced award show, touted as the "No. 1 K-Pop awards," will hold the first night of the two-day long ...
The appearance by Hanni, a member of NewJeans, was eagerly awaited, but she offered few revelations about her famously ...
K-pop saw a massive popularity surge in five years on Spotify, with the U.S. making the biggest contribution among all ...
Hope, a member of the boy band supergroup BTS, was discharged from South Korea's military on Thursday after 18 months of duty ...
在聚光灯下,她是BLACKPINK的闪耀成员,以其独特的魅力和舞台实力征服全球粉丝;然而,当Jennie近日坦露自己私底下是个害羞的人,甚至在朋友间也常常是最安静的一个时,我们不禁好奇,这样的双面性格是如何在K-Pop这个竞争激烈的行业中绽放光彩的?这不仅是一次对Jennie个人性格的探索,更是一次深入了解K-Pop文化背后,艺术家们如何塑造自我、平衡公众形象与个人真实性的旅程。 K-Pop文化的 ...
K-Pop girl group Fifty Fifty just announced they’re embarking on their first-ever North American jaunt, which they’ve dubbed ...
K-pop star Hanni, a member of the group NewJeans, made an emotional appeal on Tuesday for young artists to be treated better ...
随着韩江获得 2024 年诺贝尔文学奖,韩国文学迅速成为世界文学中瞩目的存在。实际上,近年来不仅是韩江、金爱烂等知名作家的作品被不断翻译,韩国文学的另一类型 —— 治愈小说在西方国家的受欢迎程度也正在飙升。
以童星身分出道,11岁就参与多部香港电视剧拍摄,随后,因喜欢K-POP而转战韩国娱乐圈的ELKIE ...