10月17日,亚马逊云计算业务(AWS)的CEO Matt Garman在全体员工会议上警告称,如果不想回办公室就辞职。他计划推行一项新规定,要求员工每周五天都在办公室工作。
(华盛顿19日讯)亚马逊网络服务(AWS)执行长贾曼(Matt Garman)在17日的全员会议上,向员工传达明确讯息,那就是若不认同近期发布的每周回办公室5天的政策,可以选择走人。 根据CNBC见到的文本,贾曼说:“如果有人不适应这种环境,也不想这么做,没问题,坊间还有其他公司;在亚马逊,我们希望处在一个同心协力的环境,我们认为,大家通力合作的环境,对创新与企业文化非常重要。” ...
Matt Garman told staff that returning to the office five days a week would recapture Amazon's pre-pandemic culture.
Matt Garman, CEO of Amazon Web Services, has responded to recent complaints about the company’s new return-to-office policy.
Matt Garman, the new CEO of Amazon Web Services, says employees who disagree with his company’s new mandate for workers to ...
Amazon Web Services CEO Matt Garman tells employees unhappy with the company's return-to-office policy to consider leaving ...
Amazon Web Services CEO Matt Garman made comments at a meeting Thursday to employees regarding the company's return-to-office ...
亚马逊云端事业AWS近期向员工宣布,即将于明年强制执行每周进办公室5天的最新政策。AWS执行长加曼(Matt Garman)更在员工大会中直言,如果不同意这项最新规订,就请另谋高就。亚马逊维吉尼亚州阿灵顿(Arlington) ...
2024年6月,Matt Garman接任AWS的首席执行官,成为该公司第三任掌门人。Matt将带领AWS继续在全球云计算和人工智能领域的竞争中保持领先地位。亚马逊总裁兼首席执行官Andy ...
Tesla should be riding high right now, the electric car maker just unveiled the autonomous car that it has been promising for ...