Effectiveness of physical activity interventions diminished with longer duration interventions. Conclusion and relevance Physical activity is highly beneficial for improving symptoms of depression, ...
The London Health Sciences Centre Research Institute (LHSCRI) has released findings on their study looking into mood and anxiety disorders in young adults. The study included 449 patients from ...
Postintervention and 3-month follow-up assessments were evaluated to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of GET in managing distress in young Latino men with testicular cancer.
In well-defined generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), what is the clinical and cost effectiveness of two cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) based low-intensity interventions (CCBT and guided ...
There is evidence for the efficacy of chamomile and ginkgo biloba in reducing anxiety in people with GAD but the evidence base is small (one study). However, the scarce literature on the effectiveness ...