Write a passage on how to overcome difficulties in my English studies. The passage should be about 120 words. Your passage ...
As a freshman at the National University of Defense Technology, I am filled with anticipation and excitement as I embark on ...
中国民族卫生协会抗衰老专委会立足民族卫生健康领域,扎根抗衰老暨食品医药大健康等行业产业,接受中国民族卫生协会的领导,重点就抗衰老暨食品医药大健康行业开展信息交流、业务培训、科普宣传、书刊编辑、专业展览、国际合作与交流等。按照协会的部署,专委会将抓好抗 ...
First, the museums should consider extending their role beyond the traditional realm of education and research, and integrate into the local tourism sector. They could, for example, conduct surveys to ...
9月24日,OpenAI CEO山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)罕见地在其个人社交平台X上发表了一篇长文,题为《智能时代》("The Intelligence Age"),引发了超过百万次的观看。 在这篇长文中山姆·奥特曼讲述了他对人工智能驱动的技术进步将带来全球繁荣的未来愿景。他认为 ...
如果一个人每周使用ChatGPT写一封这样的电子邮件,那么一年将消耗27 升水。《华盛顿邮报》写道,这意味着如果每 10 个美国人中仅一人(总数达到1600 万人)使用 ChatGPT 每周写一封邮件,那么耗水量将超过 4.35 亿升。
In recent years, the Chinese government has actively promoted innovation and reform in public cultural services. Over 35,000 ...
China's digital industry has seen robust growth in recent years as it embarks on a tech-driven development path, generating new professions that not only help expand employment but also contribute to ...