近日,“世界最大冰山”将与南乔治亚岛相撞的消息,引发全球关注。这座名为A23a的巨型冰山正从南极洲向南大西洋漂移,直奔数百公里外的南乔治亚岛(South Georgia Island)。如果真的撞上会有什么后果?它蕴藏的巨大资源又能否为人类所用?这场自然奇观不仅展示了地球的壮丽,也提出了值得深思的问题。今天我们来简单聊聊相关话题。 A23a于1986年从南极洲的菲尓希纳-龙尼冰架上断裂出来,之后被 ...
Known as A23a, the iceberg is humungous and now floating towards a tiny island known as South Georgia in the South Atlantic ...
IT之家 1 月 29 日消息,世界上最大的冰山 A23a 正在缓慢漂向南乔治亚岛,这引发了科学家和生态保护者的高度关注。南乔治亚岛是一个偏远但生态至 ...
A massive iceberg known as A23a is currently on a collision course with South Georgia Island, threatening to disrupt the ...
A23a was confirmed to be intact and 173 miles from South Georgia A23a, arguably the world’s largest and oldest iceberg which has been wandering through the South Atlantic and headed for the ...
外媒日前援引英国南极考察处专家的话说,冰山的一部分已断裂分开,现在很难判断冰山状况会如何发展。 据法新社等媒体报道,这座被命名为A23a的巨型冰山目前面积超过3000平方公里,重近1万亿吨。它1986年从南极菲尔希纳冰架上分离出来,但被卡在海床上 ...
An enormous chunk has broken off the world's largest iceberg, in a possible first sign the behemoth from Antarctica could be crumbling, scientists told AFP on Friday.
The animation shows a series of images from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer instrument aboard the Terra platform of Iceberg A23A moving toward South Georgia Island in Antarctica.