A new exhibition at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History combines satellite observations and historical data ...
The space agency hopes its X-59 with a new design will overcome the national ban on supersonic flights over land.
在遥远的月球上,有一座由中国携手多国共同建设的“星际实验室”——国际月球科研站即将建成!它不仅是月球上的超级基地,更是人类探索宇宙奥秘的新起点!这座科研站,既能在月球表面默默耕耘,也能在月球轨道上优雅巡航,它灵活多变,既能长期自主运行,也能短期迎接人 ...
NASA has sent a whole host of spacecraft across the solar system and even beyond. They range from crewed ships to orbit and ...
Diesel trucks moving goods for online shoppers to and from warehouses in Southern California have been linked with air ...
对于美国宇航局(NASA)的未来规划及其在低地球轨道拓展人类活动的蓝图而言,2025年具有举足轻重的意义。这是几十年来,NASA首次直面将来可能无法保证至少有一名宇航员绕地球飞行的局面。在接下来的几个月里,NASA将敲定其2030年后在低地球轨道运营 ...
NASA plans to send humans on a scientific round trip to Mars potentially as early as 2035. The trip will take about six to ...
NASA released a timelapse video that shows the eye of Hurricane Milton as seen from the International Space Station orbiting ...
快科技10月10日消息,据媒体报道,美国航天局发布的一份审计报告揭示了国际空间站正面临的一项长期存在的安全隐患——空气泄漏问题。该问题被报告视为当前国际空间站最大的“安全风险”,直接关联到其能否顺利服役至预定的2030年期限。空气泄漏的具体位置位于国 ...
NASA is asking U.S. industry to submit innovative architecture solutions that could help the agency land and move cargo on ...
NASA公布超清晰影像。(翻自NASA) (纽约8日综合电)美国太空总署(NASA)多年来致力于研究火星,近日公开超级清晰的火星影像,让民众清楚看见火星上的地貌与深蓝色岩石。这段影像由毅力号(Perseverance)探测车拍摄,明显可见在火星红土上 ...