People and Places. This project compared the quality of landscape features at assisted living facilities, with actual levels of outdoor usage by residents. The purpose was to determine whether ...
Bird’s-eye view of the Garden from the hill. Each rusty steel fence inclines 1 degree more than the last one, creating dreamlike light change; the plants popped their heads from gaps, luxuriantly and ...
Rainfall picks up contaminants from impervious surfaces such as asphalt and concrete streets, driveways, and other pathways, which further contribute to water pollution. In comparison, increasing a ...
Site Plan, reclaiming a lost wild landscape and connecting it within the urban neighborhood context of Milwaukee's broad Menomonee River Valley. Valuing the opportunity provided by the persistence of ...
The children’s garden is the heart of the hospital in an enclosed courtyard. The garden provides a 24/7 nature experience for patients, family members, staff, and the public. It was designed through a ...
The Upper and Lower Senate Park is located between Constitution Avenue, NW, and D Street, NE, and 1st Street and Louisiana Ave, NW. The park is divided into two distinct sections. The lower section ...
New and non-recyclable materials used in homes and landscapes are often not designed to be recycled. These materials can consume enormous amounts of resources to produce and distribute and create ...
Brownfields are abandoned, environmentally-contaminated industrial or commercial sites. People who come into frequent contact with the leftover solvents, cleaners, and oil found on these sites often ...
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Any residential landscape can be designed to both reduce flooding during storms and conserve water in times of water scarcity. Homeowners can use green infrastructure approaches, like bioswales and ...
Context, levee as a barrier, & connecting a city to its river.