3 AP-HP, EMS (Samu92), University hospital of West suburb of Paris, Poincaré site, Garches, France 4 AP-HP, EMS (Samu92) Occupational Health Unit, University hospital of West suburb of Paris, Poincaré ...
Objectives The objectives were to assess the prospective associations between work-related factors, including psychosocial ...
Sarin exposure, mortality and cancer incidence in UK military veterans involved in human experiments at Porton Down: 52-year follow-up (30 September, 2024) ...
Correspondence to Dr Matthias Möhner, Work and Health, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Berlin 10317, Germany; Moehner.Matthias{at}baua.bund.de Objectives The aim of this study is ...
3 Ear Nose and Throat Department, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital, Vienna, Austria 4 Ear Nose and Throat Department, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Correspondence to Professor Michael Kundi, ...
There is consistent evidence of increased respiratory symptoms in occupational cleaners; however, uncertainty remains on type of respiratory health effects, underlying causal agents, mechanisms and ...
Correspondence to Dr Geoffrey M Calvert, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1090 Tusculum Avenue, R-17, Cincinnati, OH 45226, USA; jac6{at}cdc.gov Objective To estimate the ...
Correspondence to Professor Zuxun Lu, Social Medicine and Health Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Tongji Medical College, Wuhan 430030, China; zuxunlu{at}yahoo.com; Professor ...
Aims: (1) To describe the prevalence of fatigue among employees in different work schedules (day work, three-shift, five-shift, and irregular shift work); (2) to investigate whether different work ...
BUPA Organisational Psychology and Health Research Group, Manchester School of Management, University of Manchester University of Science and Technology (UMIST), UK Correspondence to: Dr E B Faragher ...
Correspondence to Dr David J Blackley, Surveillance Branch, Division of Respiratory Disease Studies, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ...
Background: Computer use may have an adverse effect on musculoskeletal outcomes. This study assessed the risk of neck and shoulder pain associated with objectively recorded professional computer use.