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Despues di kada insidente ta lanta un gritu pa mas kontrol. Polis ta bisa ku nan lo sigi ku esaki tambe. Loke ta remarkabel ...
Brenda Sprock tabatin un kambio di aña ku e lo no lubidá nunka mas. Su kachó Nana, ku e ta deskribí komo su ‘mucha (muhé)’, a muri di spantu severo a konsekuensia di e zonidonan asina duru. “Ta manera ...
Korte na Kralendijk a huzga ku e Representante di Reino Jan Helmond a intervení muchu lihé den e problemátika ...
Noelle Cicilia, ku tin un tata di Boneiru i un mama di Hulanda Europeo, a wòrdu nombrá ‘AI Person of the Year’ e luna akí. Esaki a sosodé durante e AI Awards, un evento anual ku ta tira lus riba ...
Oscillator 1 and 2 each produce 1 waveform and their options are identical. Click on the tabs to access the different oscillators. Pitch adjusts the pitch of each oscillator in a range of -24 to +24 ...
A phaser takes the input signal and splits it into two channels and either slightly delay, or phase shift, one channel creating a moving comb filter effect. The phase shift is modulated by an LFO to ...
Attack is the amount of time it takes for the amplitude to reach the maximum level from when the note starts. Set it low for a fast attack or set it high for a slow attack. Sustain is the amplitude ...
As explained in our article about compressors, a compressor reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal. It makes the quietest parts louder and the loudest parts quieter, making the volume more even ...