DESCRIPTION: The eastern diamondback is the largest rattlesnake in the world. Adults are typically four to five feet long and weigh four to five pounds. A big snake may reach six feet in length and ...
At the Center for Biological Diversity, we use path-breaking law, organizing and creative media to demand swift and just action from the federal government that reins in climate pollution from the ...
Unaccustomed to cosmopolitan life, the Coachella Valley milk vetch finds itself and its sandy home amid one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the United States. Living at the edge of ...
An analysis of oil and gas pipeline safety in the United States reveals a troubling history of spills, contamination, injuries and deaths. This time-lapse video shows pipeline incidents from 1986 to ...
After Hurricane Andrew ripped through South Florida in 1992, the already-scarce Miami blue butterfly almost went extinct: No one recorded a single sighting for years. Finally, in 1999, a cheer went up ...
The docile, nonvenomous eastern indigo snake is known for its lustrous, blue-black body; the reddish-orange hue on its chin, throat and cheeks; and its large size, as long as 7 feet from nose to tail, ...
DESCRIPTION: Humphead wrasse are enormous reef fish, having been measured as long as seven feet and weighing up to 420 pounds. The wrasse has thick, full lips and a forehead hump that becomes more ...
Pain et al. 2010 - Potential Hazard to Human Health from Exposure to Fragments of Lead Bullets and Shot in the Tissues of Game Animals Bedrosian and Craighead 2009 - Blood Lead Levels of Bald and ...
Atrazine is one of the most commonly used herbicides in the United States: Approximately 80 million pounds of it are used across the country each year. It's a common contaminant of ground, surface and ...
For the past century a federal program called Wildlife Services, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has been slaughtering wildlife deemed “undesirable” by agribusiness. They’re usually ...
Did your childhood include swallowtail and monarch butterflies fluttering through your neighborhood? Caterpillars chewing backyard leaves? Warm summer nights with fireflies blinking in the bushes? The ...
Can you think of a more destructive way to extract resources than blowing up a mountain? How about if the waste from doing it is dumped straight into mountain streams? Mountaintop removal is a radical ...