AI technologies bring about numerous benefits for society and the economy, including improving process efficiency, fostering ...
Rada stara się chronić prawa człowieka w UE i poza jej granicami. Informacje o obszarach działania i bieżących pracach.
Svet se zavzema za varstvo človekovih pravic v EU in zunaj nje. Informacije o glavnih področjih ukrepanja in aktualnih ...
A Tanács az emberi jogok védelmezésére törekszik az Unión belül és kívül egyaránt. Tájékoztató a fő cselekvési területekről ...
Rada sa usiluje o ochranu ľudských práv v rámci EÚ i mimo nej. Informácie o hlavných oblastiach činnosti a prebiehajúcich ...
During his speech at the East Asia summit in Vientiane, European Council President Charles Michel underlined how the EU and ASEAN bonds are laying the foundation for prosperity and for a better and mo ...
Press briefing before the EU-GCC summit of 16 October 2024 and press briefing on the European Council meeting of 17-18 October 2024 ...
Thank you for your invitation to join this summit again, as a Guest of the Chair. Connectivity and economic integration are the lifeblood of the European Union – they run through our veins. The EU is ...
A UE está profundamente preocupada com a catastrófica situação humanitária em Gaza e com o seu efeito desproporcionado nos ...
La UE expresa su profunda preocupación por la catastrófica situación humanitaria en Gaza y sus consecuencias ...
Is cúis mhór imní don Aontas an staid thubaisteach dhaonnúil in Gaza agus an tionchar díréireach atá aici ar shibhialtaigh, ...
ЕС е дълбоко загрижен от катастрофалното хуманитарно положение в Газа и непропорционалното му въздействие върху цивилните ...