Unresolved security debt is leaving organizations at greater risk of security breaches as fix times grow longer and the ...
Cyberkriminelle nutzten immer häufiger OT-Schwachstellen aus, um kritische Infrastrukturen anzugreifen. CISOs müssen ihre ...
People clicking on malicious ads posted on streaming websites hosting pirated videos. And while it might seem that ordinary ...
Sicherheitsforscher haben herausgefunden, dass der im IoT-Bereich häufig verwendete Chip ESP32 eine Hintertür enthält, die ...
Willms zählt zu den größten Fleischproduzenten in Deutschland. Die Ransomware-Gruppe Safepay hat das Unternehmen nun auf ihre ...
Three IT journalists take on the roles of business execs navigating a cyberattack. Will they crack under the pressure of this ...
Schlechte Chefs gibt’s überall – im Cybersecurity-Sektor scheinen sie jedoch besonders präsent. Und toxische CISOs gefährden nicht nur die Mitarbeiterbindung.
Ransomware is on the rise across all industries. Here are the criminal operations cybersecurity professionals must be aware ...
The threat from Russian bad actors is real; if the US government is halting offensive operations, it may fall to the private ...
High salaries are not enough to discourage cybersecurity workers — including functional leaders — from keeping an eye out for ...
Threat actors are typosquatting popular Go packages such as Hypert and Layout to drop malware on Linux and macOS systems.
Press reports suggest that US Cybercom is standing down from tracking Russia’s offensive cyber operations, and CISA may no ...