Images from ALMA telescope provide insight to the earlier years of our universe.
Hygiene takes many forms in the animal kingdom, and it’s not always about getting clean.
Learn more about the discovery of megaraptorid and carcharodontosaur fossils that shake up Australia’s Cretaceous predatory ...
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) finds actively feeding black holes and a host of other black hole candidates.
Learn about the social significance of blinking in dogs, a behavior that demonstrates how facial mimicry can help canines ...
Learn why a seismologist wants to go ghost-busting in Summerville, South Carolina, and how earthquake lights could help us ...
Learn what scientists discovered about this penguin massacre and why humans likely played an unwitting role.
Here’s how to minimize your risk of bird flu through proper handling and cooking techniques.
Learn more about the atmosphere of WASP-121b, or Tylos, whose winds are layered like no other planet’s.
Bastetodon, a leopard-like apex predator, probably dined on early forms of primates, hippos, and elephants.
Age, sleep patterns, and even seasons affect how well we remember dreams — or don't remember them at all.
Learn what sank the historical and almost most powerful warship in Sweden in the 1600s.