Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Random Processes, Stochastic Analysis, Optimization, Mathematical Economics and Finance.
website creator This is a sample syllabus. The schedule and topics covered for your section are likely to be different. Meeting Topics Reading 1 Double integrals over rectangles 15.1, 15.2 2 Double ...
I.N. Bernstein, I.M. Gelfand, and S.I. Gelfand: Schubert cells and the cohomology of the spaces G/P, Uspehi Mat. Nauk 28 (no. 3): 3 (in Russian); Russian Math. Surveys 28:1 (in English); English ...
I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Columbia University, in the group of Geometry & Analysis and Mathematical Physics. My research interests are General Relativity, Partial Differential ...
I am a professor in the Mathematics Department at Columbia University.
The Do loop executes a series of statements for a variable in the specified range. The For statement is more general than the Do loop and equivalent to the While statement. As a generalization of the ...
The philosophy of Columbia's central administration has been to pursue continuous growth whenever possible. This point has been forcefully expressed by President Bollinger in an interview: We have to ...
E.B.Vinberg: Representation of the symmetric groups, a very short summary for SpringerLink. Notice interesting comments that follow the summary. A.Vershik, A.Okounkov, A New Approach to the ...
This course will deal with the lifting of quantum link invariants to homology theories of links and their extensions to tangle and cobordism invariants. It will cover construction of link homology ...
The seminar will meet on Fridays in Room 507, Mathematics Building, from 10:30 am to noon according to the schedule below.
In addition to instructor office hours and the help rooms, tutoring is available from individual schools: Barnard Math tutoring is located in 502 Milstein, focused on Calculus I, II and III with ...
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Columbia University.