1. Survey Coverage: The survey was conducted in the municipal districts of 70 medium and large-sized cities, excluding the countries. 2. Survey Methods: The survey of newly constructed commercial ...
1/ The information on the unit description should be comprehensive and can include the following where applicable: the units and magnitudes in which the data are disseminated; the base year of an ...
《中华人民共和国统计法》(以下简称《统计法》)是统计法律体系的核心,自1983年颁布以来,为提高数据质量和统计工作水平,促进统计事业长远健康发展提供了重要保障。2024年9月13日 ...
据对全国流通领域9大类50种重要生产资料市场价格的监测显示,2025年2月上旬与1月下旬相比,21种产品价格上涨,20种下降,9 ...
Producer price index in the industrial sector consists of the producer prices for industrial products (PPI) and the purchasing prices for industrial producers. The producer prices for industrial ...
In January 2025, the national consumer price index (CPI) increased by 0.5 percent year on year. Among them, the price in urban areas increased by 0.6 percent and the price in rural areas increased by ...
2025年1月份,全国居民消费价格同比上涨0.5%。其中,城市上涨0.6%,农村上涨0.3%;食品价格上涨0.4%,非食品价格上涨0.5%;消费 ...
2025年1月份,70个大中城市中,一线城市商品住宅销售价格环比继续上涨,二三线城市环比总体略降;一二三线城市同比降幅均持续收窄。 1月份,二线城市新建商品住宅销售价格环比由上月持平 ...