Malgré le gel temporaire de l’aide étrangère américaine, la plus haute responsable humanitaire de l’ONU en Haïti s’est dite confiante, mercredi, quant à la capacité de l’Organisation à mobiliser plus ...
Planting trees might make Freetown in Sierra Leone more resilient to climate change but it won’t end global warming. Only ditching fossil fuels can do that.
Chinese robot manufacturer Unitree was demonstrating its latest H1 robots at a lantern festival in the city of Taishan, Guangdong province, when one walked up to the crowd barrier and seemed to lunge ...
Canada has set an ambitious target to be net zero by 2050. Key to achieving this target will be decarbonizing the country’s energy grid. Renewable energy sources will be an important aspect of these ...
Alors que 40 000 travailleuses du réseau de la santé attendent depuis plus de 14 ans leurs versements et ajustements salariaux en vertu de la loi sur l’équité salariale, Christine Labrie, députée de S ...
A lack of political consensus on New Zealand’s economic growth strategy, along with a misunderstanding of what actually drives growth, is holding the country back.
Alors que l’épuisement professionnel reste un problème persistant au Canada, les formules de travail à distance et hybrides offrent une solution intéressante.
Colombia’s history as a drug trafficking hub plays a major role in attracting visitors to the country – a form of travel known as “dark tourism”. But the Colombian government and much of the ...
The UN human rights office (OHCHR) together with refugee agency, UNHCR, on Thursday strongly condemned Thailand’s deportation of 40 Uyghurs to China, calling it a serious violation of international ...
UN human rights chief Volker Türk on Thursday called for an end to the “abhorrent, dehumanizing narratives” that continue to hamper a positive outcome to the Middle East crisis.
David Wheatley, Assistant Professor in Operations & Decision Sciences, Wilfrid Laurier University Jessica Penney, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Toronto Metropolitan University Nicholas ...
Leaders can effectively interrupt incidents of workplace aggression, act as influential role models for others, and ultimately foster inclusive climates.