The author has often heard her elders lament that food in the past was much better, but always believed it to be nostalgia talking. Now, she's wondering if there’s some truth in the sentiment ...
Her findings, published Oct. 28 in the journal Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, offer a window into the inner workings and ongoing limitations of generative AI tools like ChatGPT.
When Rose Levy Beranbaum’s “Cake Bible” was first published in 1988, it was as though the wheel had been re-invented. Sure, there were other books devoted to cakes (many of them excellent ...
SINGAPORE: China's rare intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test last month in the South Pacific - its first in 44 years - has raised questions over Beijing’s strategic ambitions.
Also, the increased benefit from opt-out treatment was the same for all smokers, regardless of their desire to quit, researchers found. "This study is significant because it shows that proactively ...