这次扑救是这位 31 岁球员当天做出的一系列精彩扑救之一,他还扑出了萨维尼奥和鲁本·迪亚斯的射门,萨因此获得了本场最佳球员奖。现在,他与切尔西的罗伯特·桑切斯和水晶宫的迪恩·亨德森等人一起争夺分区奖项。
莫利纽球场于当地时间周一举办了一年一度的万圣节公开训练,加里·奥尼尔的球队开始为对阵水晶宫队的比赛做准备。 数千名年轻狼队球迷现身活动现场,其中许多人身着万圣节主题的服装,他们观看了球队在莫利纽球场上的训练。
Mayank, from India, is particularly impressed by the Chinese idiom '人心齐 泰山移', which means 'when people are united, they can move Mount Tai.' In India, there is a phrase with the same meaning. It is ...
Language is the road map of a culture. In this column, we will invite expats to introduce their favorite Chinese words, phrases, idioms, poems and more in a one-minute video. We hope this will serve ...