虎扑10月12日讯 2024全球总决赛瑞士轮,PSG不敌BLG,遗憾止步瑞士轮,这也是PCS赛区的最后一舞。赛后,Betty接受来自PCS赛区的媒体的专访,问答如下: ...
近日,中国海油湄洲湾“绿能港”( 福建LNG )安全生产达6000天,累计为福建省及周边地区安全供气超660亿方,减排二氧化碳约9000万吨,推动八闽大地经济社会发展绿色化、低碳化,为助力福建省经济高质量发展,实现“碳达峰、碳中和”目标贡献了海油力量 ...
在全球能源深度绿色转型浪潮中, 协鑫新能源 积极开拓国际化新赛道。10月9日,协鑫天然气(新加坡)有限公司(以下简称:协鑫天然气贸易公司)正式开业,标志着协鑫新能源在全球化布局上取得了又一里程碑式进展。
福建LNG站线项目是中国内地第一个完全由国内企业自主引进、建设、管理的大型液化天然气项目,现有6座16万立方米天然气储罐及372公里天然气管网。作为省内晋江、厦门、莆田三家燃气电厂的唯一气源供应单位,福建LNG一直是我省“迎峰度夏”“迎峰度冬”等特殊 ...
Author of “The Road Does Not End”, Familoni Oluranti Olubunmi, has won the 2024 edition of The Nigeria Prize for Literature ...
District 2 congressional candidate Caroleene Dobson says she misspoke when she said she supports liquefied natural gas ...
The MV Glen Sannox has passed a series of sea acceptance tests, including on steering, stopping, noise and vibration.
德克萨斯州THE WOODLANDS - 美国液化天然气 (LNG)公司Excelerate Energy Inc. (NYSE: EE)宣布,自周一起任命Tyler D. Todd加入其董事会。这一董事会变动与Henry G. "Buddy" Kleemeier于周日退休同时进行。
The body is cautioning, however, against conflating the recent signing of an agreement between Eskom and Sasol to jointly ...
Financial writer discusses Kinder Morgan's (KMI) increase to 52-week high, upgraded by Bank of America, potential benefits ...
Woodside has advanced its Scarborough project in Western Australia with the completed installation of the project’s 433-km ...
From late November the European Energy Exchange (EEX) is adding new freight futures and options contracts for both LNG and ...