“父母含辛茹苦把你们拉扯成人,帮助你们成家立业,到最后无人照顾!郑某的今天,就是你们的明天!”随着承办法官的这句话,郑甲、郑丙当场心理破防,均表示愿意履行赡养义务,让自己的父亲老有所养,安享晚年。 “此次巡回审判活动,一方面体现了全社会对老年人的关心关怀,另一方面提高了村民的法律意识,希望法院能够多开展这类活动。”凤凰岭村村干部韩佩佩观看完庭审后这样说道。
Love Is Blind Habibi' is a popular new installment of the franchise, and now that Season 1 has aired, fans want to know: Is ...
Tusker Oktobafest regional events are set to kick off on October 19 with simultaneous celebrations in Nairobi and Eldoret ...
Love Is Blind Habibi premiered on October 10 and opened the pods for 20 Arab singles. The social experiment aims at finding out whether love is blind or not.