美国加利福尼亚州一家法院的陪审团周三裁定,美国油气巨头之一的Phillips 66 (PSX.US)因窃取Propel燃料公司的商业机密以增强其可再生燃料业务,被判欠Propel燃料公司高达6.049亿美元的赔偿金。
After reaching a record high the previous day, the Pakistan Stock Exchange’s (PSX) benchmark KSE-100 Index saw a significant ...
The 100-Index of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) lost 620.23 more points on Thursday to close at 85,585.43 points against ...
Pakistan Refinery Limited (PSX: PRL) has denied media reports of entering a commitment with any Chinese company. "News ...
智通财经获悉,Phillips 66 (PSX.US)周一表示,同意以10.6亿瑞士法郎(约合12.4亿美元)的现金价格,将其在Coop ...
A California jury said Phillips 66 (NYSE:PSX) should pay $604.9M in damages for stealing trade secrets from a biofuel company ...
According to a post-market report by Topline Securities, the KSE-100 opened on a positive trajectory, reaching a peak of 621 ...
Shares at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) created another all-time high in intraday trade on Wednesday as the highly ...
《血源PSX》是一款动作角色扮演游戏,以PS1风格为特点。玩家将在游戏中扮演主角,探索城市和地下墓穴,与各种怪物进行战斗。游戏画面采用复古风格,音乐和声音效果也经过重新制作,带来身临其境的体验。游戏中的剧情紧凑而引人入胜,玩家需要做出决策来影响故事发展。此外,游戏还提供了多种武器和装备,玩家可以收集并升级它们以增强角色实力。总体而言,《血源PSX》是一款令人兴奋且富有挑战性的游戏,适合喜欢动作角色 ...
The oil refiner said the unit’s long-term sustainability is uncertain and affected by market dynamics.
Shares at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) created another all-time high in intraday trade on Wednesday during the highly anticipated Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit. The benchmark KSE ...
菲利普66公司的股票在纽约挂牌交易。 菲利普66公司的股票代码是什么? 菲利普66公司的股票代码是“PSX。” 菲利普66公司有分红吗?当前的股息收益率是多少? 的股息收益率是3.37%。 菲利普66公司的市值是多少? 截至今天,菲利普66公司的市值是57.10B。