¿Considera que los videojuegos son arte? Los expertos en la materia sin duda lo consideran. El Museo Smithsonian de Arte Americano, el Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York y el Museo Victoria y Alberto ...
They reflect the society, they make us cry, they make us hold our breath in anticipation. Video games combine several forms of art, but they’re built on the power of interactive storytelling. Makers ...
Para la escritora Johanna Venho, Tove Jansson ocupa un lugar especial. En 2021, Venho publicó Syyskirja (El libro del otoño), un relato novelado de los últimos días de la autora en Klovharun.El título ...
Finnish artist and author Tove Jansson, creator of the Moomin books, spent almost 30 summers on Klovharun, a tiny island in ...
Die finnische Künstlerin, Schriftstellerin und Schöpferin der Mumin-Bücher, Tove Jansson, verbrachte fast 30 Sommer auf ...
A artista e escritora finlandesa Tove Jansson, criadora dos livros dos Moomins, passou quase 30 verões em Klovharun, uma ...
In Finland, sauna is not a rare luxury, but a central part of the culture. In fact, did you know that there are more saunas ...