至少有 43 个国家的人、民众因其网上言论和活动而遭到攻击或杀害,该数据创下历史 华盛顿 - 在过去的一年里,审查制度和内容操控导致世界各地的选民更难在知情情况下 决定选举的投票,越来越多国家的民众因在网上发表言论而遭到报复。根据自由之家 ...
Censorship, content manipulation, and rising violence against users further eroded internet freedom over the past year. But a ...
The International Press Institute (IPI), together with 63 undersigned press freedom and freedom of expression groups, media outlets and civil society organizations, condemns the official revocation of ...
Nineteen international civil society organisations demand due process at the review of journalist Jose Rubén Zamora’s detention due on Friday 18 October 2024. A Guatemala City court will consider the ...
Overall gains related to expanding access and online activism were offset by widespread arrests of users and the prevalence of progovernment content manipulation.
WASHINGTON—Internet freedom in the Asia-Pacific region deteriorated over the past year, with five countries recording net gains and seven countries experiencing declines, according to a new report ...
Proposals released by the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Security and Industry on facial-recognition technology and foreign-government end users could help prevent tech abuses.
In at least 43 countries, a record high, people were attacked or killed in retaliation for their online speech and activism. WASHINGTON—Censorship and content manipulation undermined voters’ ability ...
Russia remained the worst-performing country in the region as the Kremlin continued to expand and intensify its censorship regime.
The United Kingdom, Estonia, and Serbia all suffered deterioration, though Europe remained the world’s top-performing region.
在至少 43 個國家,因網路言論和行動,民眾遭到報復性攻擊或殺害,創歷 史新高。 華盛頓特區——在過去一年裏,審查和內容操縱削弱了世界各地選民在選舉 中做出知情決定的能力,越來越多的國家的人民因在網上發表言論而面臨報復。 根據自由之家今天發佈的 ...