Moral development is formed through social interactions and experiences in early life. Kohlberg’s theory outlines 6 stages, ...
The science supporting positive psychology has sparked a huge increase in degree programs. It makes sense: When we understand the “why” of positive human ...
While teaching children to practice gratitude can be a bit of a task, the return on investment in their emotional wellbeing is unlimited and long [...] ...
Prof. Albert Bandura is one of the most highly cited academics in the world (Haggbloom et al., 2002). Bandura’s scholarship has formed part of many [...] ...
We all experience emotions from an early age. As adults attempting to navigate the often chaotic world of modern life, the range of emotions we [...] ...
Feeling depressed, helpless, lost or extremely sad is something everyone experiences. However, when a depressed mood or unbearable sadness is present for a long time ...
Dr. Reham Al Taher, Clinical Psychologist, is the author of multiple books. Dr. Reham Al Taher, Clinical Psychologist, is the author of multiple books. She obtained her doctorate in Clinical ...
When Sir Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile in 1954, it was considered the limit of human performance. At present, more than 20 U.S. runners [...] ...
Behavior change is recognized by politicians, scientists, and therapists worldwide as crucial to solving individual and social problems. The development of effective ...
Success. Abundance. Prosperity. Intelligence. Talent. Skill. These are all potential products of a growth mindset. Why is it important to foster this mindset in ...
Would you like your students to be resilient and motivated, have a healthy self-esteem, and treat others with kindness? This should be every educator’s goal [...] ...