The SBSTA is one of two permanent subsidiary bodies to the Convention established by the COP/CMP. It supports the work of the COP, the CMP and the CMA through the provision of timely information and ...
UN Climate Change's Fellowship Programme equips mid-career professionals from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least ...
The Plastic Bank is an international corporation that has implemented a market-based solution to improve the health of the planet. In Haiti, plastic waste is collected by local people and sold to ...
In accordance with Decision 4/CMA.4, para. 7, two co-chairs for the Mitigation Work Programme are appointed by the Chairs of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the ...
In Article 5 paragraph 1, the Paris Agreement encourages Parties to take action to conserve and enhance sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases as referred to in Article 4, paragraph 1(d) of the ...
This pillar focuses on the update of the NAP technical guidelines to enable the overall transformation of NAPs towards NAP 3.0, based on the mandate from COP 28 requesting the LEG “to update the ...
The finance pillar seeks to promote the identification and deployment of innovative and novel sources and modalities of finance for the implementation of NAPs. The goal is to push the finance envelope ...
The ES convened a dinner with representatives of the LDCs and SIDS during SB 60. The meeting discussed ways to operationalize the transformed NAP 3.0. Discussions brought up the following observations ...
The 6th Capacity-building Hub at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, drew over 1,500 attendees across 42 specialized sessions during its week-long programme. A flagship initiative of the Paris Committee on ...
UN Climate Change News, 20 February 2025- Building on the strong foundation laid by the Regional Climate Weeks of recent years, and recognizing the evolving needs of the climate agenda, the UNFCCC ...
Noticias ONU Cambio Climático, 20 de febrero de 2025.- Partiendo de los sólidos cimientos establecidos por las Semanas del Clima Regionales, y reconociendo la evolución de las necesidades de la agenda ...
How does science connect to policy under the UNFCCC? The UN climate change process, through the Convention bodies, relies on scientific information on climate change submitted by many contributors.