Фирма Estin Warehousing OÜ, которой владеют граждане России, начнет в 2012 году строительство на территории Нарвского промпарка логистического центра, через который на российский рынок будет ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
Министр сообщений Латвии Айвис Ронис сегодня устно высказал недоверие председателю правления Рижского аэропорта Арнису Лухсе. Арнис Лухсе. В письменном виде уведомления о возможном ...
Truman Packard, World Bank (WB) Lead Economist in the Europe and Central Asia Region, told LETA that WB feels that the Latvian government has made a credible demonstration of its intent to follow ...
Today, on June 5, the Ambassador of Latvia in China Ingrida Levrence will ceremoniously open the first Latvian restaurant Double Coffee in China; the restaurant is located at the "Village at Sanlitun" ...
Малые и микропредприятия составляют 98,65% всех активно работающих латвийских предприятий ...
In the Q3 of 2010, the unemployment rate in Lithuania grew from 14.4% to 18.4% year-on-year, reports Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. The euro area (EA16) seasonally-adjusted ...
Ryanair, Europe’s favourite airline, today (6 Jan) announced the appointment of Cristian Samoilovich as its first Head of Public Affairs, joining Ryanair from Uber, where he was managing European ...
В связи с тем, что на время карантина пассажиропоток сократился на 80%, предприятие группы Lietuvos gelezinkeliai по пассажирским перевозкам LG Keleiviams временно останавливает 30 рейсов поездов, ...
The city of Tallinn is expecting bids from banks by the end of August to hold a 13.8 million EUR bond issue, LETA/Eesti Päevaleht writes. According to last year’s annual report, the city has ten valid ...
Edgars Kots, who owns Izdevnieciba Dienas Mediji publishing house, has become the sole owner of Dienas Bizness Izdevnieciba, the publisher of Latvia's Dienas Bizness business newspaper in Latvia, ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...