The privilege escalation flaw in the Win23k driver affects older versions of Windows and is one of six zero-day ...
Broadcom has issued an urgent bulletin warning customers about three zero-day vulnerabilities in VMware products that are ...
Three of the four critical path traversal flaws fixed in January in Ivanti Endpoint Manager are being exploited in ...
Generative AI bug bounties, based on over 150 reports, resulted in $55,000 in rewards to date, with a live LLM hacking event ...
To create an effective SOC, CISOs must balance people, technology, and operations and decide between investing in-house or ...
Hacking group Dark Storm claimed the DDoS attacks that took down X on Monday and said they were not from Ukraine.
Bei Elon Musks Plattform X klagen Nutzer über technische Probleme. Der Tech-Milliardär spricht von einem großangelegten ...
Unresolved security debt is leaving organizations at greater risk of security breaches as fix times grow longer and the ...
Cyberkriminelle nutzten immer häufiger OT-Schwachstellen aus, um kritische Infrastrukturen anzugreifen. CISOs müssen ihre ...
People clicking on malicious ads posted on streaming websites hosting pirated videos. And while it might seem that ordinary ...
Sicherheitsforscher haben herausgefunden, dass der im IoT-Bereich häufig verwendete Chip ESP32 eine Hintertür enthält, die ...
Schlechte Chefs gibt’s überall – im Cybersecurity-Sektor scheinen sie jedoch besonders präsent. Und toxische CISOs gefährden nicht nur die Mitarbeiterbindung.