This page contains instructions on registration for the University of Helsinki’s open university studies and course fees as well as information on terms of payment. Please read the instructions ...
On this page you will find descriptions and submission instructions for the attachments required from applicants for international Master's programmes. Please read the instructions carefully to ensure ...
The Department of Bacteriology and Immunology studies microbes, innate and adaptive immunity, as well as host-microbe interactions. The knowledge gained is used to determine the pathogenesis of ...
The conference seeks to foster a deeper understanding of extremism’s impact on ideologies, cultures, and political systems, while addressing its implications for democracy, trust, and global ...
As they take up their new role, each professor at the University of Helsinki holds a public inaugural lecture. Inaugural lectures are held twice a year close to the end of each term, usually in May ...
Tämä on Helsingin yliopisto Strategia, talous ja laatu Kestävyys ja vastuullisuus Ura ja avoimet työpaikat Ihmiset Arkistopalvelut ja kirjaamo Tietojen käsittely yliopistolla Vuokraa tila Tule ...
A study conducted at the University of Helsinki indicates that experiences related to war can affect children’s eating habits. Professor of Nutrition Maijaliisa Erkkola’s research group investigated ...
Kielituetut osaamispolut pääkaupunkiseudun maahanmuuttajille työvoimapula-aloille -projektin tavoitteena on tukea aliedustettujen ryhmien pääsyä korkeakoulutukseen ja parantaa koulutusorganisaatioiden ...
New research exploring the links between sleep, diet, and weight development in Finnish children has revealed that circadian health may play a significant role in long-term health outcomes. A child’s ...
The University of Helsinki defines its alumni as all graduates, current and former staff, and exchange students. At the Faculty of Social Sciences, we have an active alumni community that is connected ...
At the beginning of February, Mikko Lilja, DSc (Technology), assumed the role of professor of practice at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics. His three-year ...
In the first blog entry of the year, Dean Johanna Niemi gives an overview of the past and the coming year. A year ago, we were in an unexpected situation, as significant changes to the entrance ...