Shrovetide football is an ancient, rough and chaotic ball game played on Shrove Tuesday, involving two rival teams of local ...
A powerhouse of intellectual enlightenment and a champion of modernity, Queen Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach was a ...
Welcome to Historic UK’s Living History Events Diary! One of the most enjoyable ways to experience history first hand is to attend one of the many Living History re-enactments taking place this year.
The Calcutta Cup is the trophy presented to the winner of the England versus Scotland rugby union match which takes place during the annual Six Nations Championship – also currently known as the ...
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Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – was traditionally a time of fasting and on Shrove ...
The last Sunday before Advent is ‘Stir-up Sunday’, the day when traditionally families gather together to prepare the Christmas pudding. This year that will be Sunday 23rd November 2025. The day does ...
How can we help you? Need a jousting knight or a rollicking Roman gladiator? Want to promote your historical publication, event or local attraction? We welcome enquiries from individuals, museums, ...
The Prince of Poyais, the Cazique, His Serene Highness Gregor, ‘El General Mac Gregor’, are just some of the names belonging to a Scottish soldier who became one of the most infamous confidence ...
John Gray joined the Edinburgh Police Force as a night watchman in 1850. To keep him company through the winter nights John took a partner, a diminutive Skye Terrier, called Bobby. Together they ...