The Global Youth Summit will provide a forum for young people to find inspiration and mentorship and prepare to be part of a ...
The pricing of data is co mplex, and market driven. The costs involved in managing the lengthy supply chain to provide Internet are being recovered predominantly by directly charging the customers.
Dans les pays en développement en particulier, la téléphonie mobile joue un rôle crucial pour mettre les services à la disposition d’une grande partie de la population. Néanmoins, il reste encore ...
Please find the grouping of Special Sections and Parts by the Procedures of the Radio Regulations irrespective its version in force. For the complete information ...
Unless specified otherwise, registration to ITU-R events requires the approval of the corresponding Designated Focal Points (DFP) for ITU-R event registration. Read more on registration to ITU-R ...
Turkey’s telecommunication history is over a century old, with the first telegraph line installed in 1847 and the first telephone circuit in 1881. Huge investments were made in the 1980s and 1990s to ...
The first UN Citiverse Challenge calls for visionaries, innovators, and changemakers to collaborate on virtual world and AI solutions for citizens.
Thousands of telecommunication professionals trace the beginnings of their careers to the exploration of the radio spectrum that was made possible by their early involvement in amateur radio. Many ...
A la Reunión entre reuniones de la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la Información (CMSI), celebrada en la sede de París de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la ...
1. Allocation tables - International call sign series (Appendix 42 of the Radio Regulations), Blocks of coast station identification numbers, Blocks of selective call numbers for ship stations and ...
The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07) will address matters related to the identification of radio-frequency spectrum for IMT-2000 and systems beyond. (International Mobile ...
ITU's Headquarters in Geneva (Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland) are conveni ently located overlooking the Place des Nations in the Heart of Geneva's United Nations district. Access is ...