公正取引委員会は、国や地方公共団体等の発注機関が実施する入札談合等関与行為防止法及び独占禁止法の研修等に職員を講師として派遣しています。 沖縄地区においては、内閣府沖縄総合事務局総務部公正取引課の職員を講師として派遣しますので、積極的に御活用ください。
The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC)investigated the entrepreneurs that participated in the bidding for molten metal or the like (Note 1) sold by local governments in accordance with provisions of ...
※一般的にフリーランスと呼ばれる方には、「従業員を使用している」「消費者を相手に取引をしている」といった方が含まれる場合もありますが、この法律における「フリーランス」には該当しません。 この法律の対象の取引例:フリーランスとして働く ...
In recent years, generative AI technology has rapidly advanced, leading to significant market growth. While this technology offers numerous benefits to the economy and society, it also raises ...
The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC), in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), will hold the Knowledge Co-Creation Program for Developing Countries on the Antimonopoly ...
The document "Annual Report on Competition Policy in Japan(January-December 2006)was submitted to the OECD's Competition Committee" is HERE *Every announcement is tentative translation. Please refer ...
On April 3, 2012, the government adopted the cabinet decision, “Policy on Regulatory and Institutional Reform in the Energy Sector”. It requires the JFTC to analyze the current status of competition ...
In the Ministerial Declaration of the G7 Industry, Technology and Digital Ministerial Meeting in March 2024, it was agreed to promote further discussions on competition in AI and digital markets among ...
The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) has investigated QUALCOMM Incorporated (QUALCOMM) in accordance with the provisions of the Antimonopoly Act (AMA) and found it to be in violation of Article 19 ...
A bid-rigging is one of the most serious anticompetitive conducts and constitutes the violation of the Antimonopoly Act (hereinafter “AMA”). In some of bid-rigging cases, it was found that officials ...
入札談合等関与行為防止法について 入札談合等関与行為防止法は,国・地方公共団体等の職員が談合に関与している事例,いわゆる官製談合が発生していた状況を踏まえ,発注機関に対して組織的な対応を求め,その再発を防止するために制定されたもので ...