Pipedrive has been a great partner for the last few years. We had shuffled between a couple of their "big competitors" and nothing seemed to fit. Their combination of streamlined product, competitive ...
La fiche d’identité entreprise est une ressource centrale pour tous les collaborateurs, mais surtout pour l’équipe commerciale. Comment faire une fiche d’identité d’entreprise et comment l’utiliser ...
What do we need a personal CRM for? The best personal CRM system (customer relationship management system) empowers you to take control of your busy schedule. Set appointment reminders, schedule ...
Working in customer service brings with it a unique set of challenges. Keeping tabs on all your contacts and maintaining an overview of their customer data isn’t easy. Tracking which customers you’ve ...
An event management platform is integral to any organizer’s software stack. It helps you manage contacts, track customer activities and maintain engagement with leads. With a CRM for event management, ...
As newsletters são uma poderosa ferramenta de marketing digital por manter clientes atualizados com conteúdo relevante e promoções de vendas. A criação de uma boa newsletter exige planejamento, mas o ...
Long lead times can create friction in your operations. Streamlining processes allows you to deliver faster, build stronger relationships and increase sales. In this article, you’ll learn lead time’s ...
This article was published on March, 5, 2019. Product descriptions were correct at the time of publishing. Have you ever gone back and forth for days with a contact, struggling to find that elusive ...
Los ciberataques exitosos pueden causar pérdidas financieras significativas, sanciones legales y daños a largo plazo a la reputación de tu pequeña empresa. Tomar medidas preventivas para asegurar los ...
Successful cyberattacks can cause significant financial losses, legal penalties and long-term damage to your small business’s reputation. Taking proactive steps to secure systems and safeguard data is ...
FastBill is a German bookkeeping tools which covers the needs of the German speaking market. Therefore, the following description is not translated to English. FastBill automatisiert tägliche Abläufe ...
Customer relationship management (CRM) project management software enables businesses to track leads, keep customers engaged and create meaningful experiences. What’s more, it can help you achieve ...