A major new study co-authored by Professor Stefan Doerr, Director of the Centre for Wildfire Research, at Swansea University ...
Sefydliad wedi'i datblygu ar gyfer gwneud ymchwil yw sefydliad ymchwil. Mae ein sefydliadau ymchwil wedi ymrwymo i gefnogi, annog a blaenoriaethu ymchwil staff a myfyrwyr. Nod ein sefydliadau ymchwil ...
A partnership between Swansea University and two institutions in Houston, Texas, which has delivered benefits for students ...
Swansea University’s Natural Products BioHUB (NP BioHUB) has secured £4.5m in funding as part of UKRI’s £25m Accelerating the ...
It has been a decade since the Law School's Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) launched its annual international colloquia with a view to providing a forum for discussing ...
How to meet the educational needs of children affected by conflict and crisis was the subject of an international expert ...
Swansea University will play a key role in new healthcare and data science partnership between the UK and Singapore.
The Centre for Research into Practice (CRIP) is the University's main avenue through which educational research is conducted.
A single shift of a parasite from one host species to another can trigger catastrophic infectious disease outbreaks. Despite ...
Fel rhan o'n Strategaeth Cynaliadwyedd ac Argyfwng Hinsawdd, anogwn deithio llesol ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Mae cerdded neu feicio i'n campysau'n wych ar gyfer eich iechyd a'ch lles, ac ar gyfer yr ...
Future visitors to a popular Swansea museum will be able to experience the sounds and smells of ancient Egypt, thanks to £300,000 of Welsh Government support.
Prifysgol sy'n cael ei harwain gan ymchwil yw Prifysgol Abertawe, sydd wedi bod yn gwneud gwahaniaeth ers 1920. Mae ein cymuned amrywiol a chroesawgar yn ffynnu ar archwilio a darganfod, gyda ...