Welke kennis hebben stakeholders in de plastic keten nodig om de circulaire plastictransitie te versnellen tegen 2050? TNO ...
Energiearme huishoudens hebben vaak last van klimaatproblemen in een woning. Nieuw onderzoek van TNO toont aan hoe dit ...
Zo snel als de AI-toepassingen en -mogelijkheden zich ontwikkelen, nemen ook de pogingen om de kwetsbaarheden ervan te ...
One day, you are a trainee and then suddenly you are a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Officer at TNO. For Mathieu Baas ...
TNO has simplified API security testing and made it more accessible to for everyone, thanks to their new REST API fuzzer.
TNO heeft het testen van de veiligheid van API's vereenvoudigd en toegankelijker gemaakt voor iedereen, dankzij hun nieuwe ...
As AI applications and capabilities continue to progress rapidly, so do efforts into exploiting its vulnerabilities, mainly through the Adversarial AI research field.
Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) is a chromatographic technique that separates molecules based on their relative size in solution. This allows us to determine the molecular weight distribution of ...
The Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) - Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES) system can be used to determine which elements are present in a sample and in what quantities.