UIL spoke to Ms Nadia Hashem, member of the Office of the Chairman of the Adult Education Authority in Egypt and former ...
The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) has launched an online collection of innovative practices in prison ...
El Instituto de la UNESCO para el Aprendizaje a lo Largo de Toda la Vida (UIL) presenta una colección en línea de prácticas innovadoras en educación penitenciaria con motivo de la Conferencia ...
L'Institut de l'UNESCO pour l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie (UIL) a lancé une collection en ligne de pratiques innovantes d'éducation en milieu carcéral à l'occasion de la Conférence ...
Teachers play an essential role in upholding the right to education. To ensure quality education and learning opportunities for all, every learner must have access to a qualified teacher. Therefore, ...
Los docentes desempeñan un papel esencial en la defensa del derecho a la educación. Para garantizar una educación de calidad y oportunidades de aprendizaje para todos, cada alumno debe tener acceso a ...
As technology continues to transform the educational landscape, adult educators face growing demands to adapt and integrate digital tools into their teaching, learning, and administrative practices.
MoodleBox in Detention was launched during the third phase of the Future Investment Programme. It is led by the Normandy Region in partnership with the Rectorate of Caen, the University Multimedia ...
Renforcer les capacités et fournir des conseils relatifs aux politiques Près de 60 000 adolescent/e/s de moins de 18 ans sont aujourd’hui incarcéré/e/s dans des centres pour mineurs aux États-Unis ...
L’organisation caritative britannique Storybook Dads existe depuis 2002, elle est aujourd’hui présente dans une centaine de prisons de tout le pays, y compris des prisons pour femmes, centres de ...
The Turning Pages programme is supported by Shannon Trust staff and a team of more than 100 volunteers (Shannon Trust, 2024). Since its launch in June 2015, the Turning Pages programme and reading ...