活动地点:13:25在大连自然博物馆二楼《海洋哺乳动物展厅》南海狮标本前集合、签到。参与对象:6-12岁小朋友,限35人。温馨提示:参与活动的家长与小朋友,入馆需排队,家长带好身份证。由于目前参观人数较多,排队入馆时间较长,请合理安排自己的时间。如因 ...
说到醒狮,你是不是立刻想到那灵动的舞姿和震天的锣鼓声?When we talk about the "Awakening Lion", does it immediately bring to mind its dynamic dance and ...
Let's explore the lion dance culture of China together! Each type of lion in lion dance has a different symbolic meaning.It's truly stunning!🤩🤩🤩(This video was generated by AI)#beautifulmoment#Chin ...
为庆祝公司成立100周年,Shure携手Black Lion Audio,重新推出这款曾为Tchad ...
DC Studios 制作 DC 知名英雄「 绿光战警 Green Lantern 」最新真人版影集《 绿灯军团 Lanterns 》于去年十月正式 揭晓 两名主演人选,而今日 James Gunn 率先公开首张剧照。
醒狮跃动马德里戏曲唱响夜巴黎广州积极推动中国文化走出去首个“非遗版”春节庆祝活动让世界又一次感受到了中华优秀传统文化的魅力。The celebrations of Spring Festival, the first edition since it ...
China's star guard Guo Ailun sustained a serious eye injury during an intra-squad practice session. The 31-year-old guard, ...
Lion dance, a combination of martial arts, dance and folk music, has emerged over time as a cultural bridge connecting communities across the world. Xinhua reporter Sandra Ahmed traveled to Foshan, ...
近期,动画电影的风头可谓一时无两,迪士尼经典IP《狮子王:木法沙传奇》(Mufasa: The Lion King)亦大受欢迎。作为全球票房top级巨制《狮子王》的续集,《木法沙》的数字特效技术更上一层楼,动物的毛发、动作都足以乱真。
Robot dogs, with lion head-shaped decorations, perform dance alongside traditional lion dancers during a Lantern Festival celebration in Jinan, central China's Shandong Province, Feb. 12, 2025. (China ...
The total number of inter-regional passenger trips across China during the 40-day Spring Festival travel rush, also known as ...
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2月23日,星途汽车在沙特首都利雅得举办了一场别开生面的全球预售直播发布会,正式推出了其战略级车型——揽月C-DM。这款车型定位为礼宾级大7座电混旗舰SUV,提供了180超长续航Max四驱和180超长续航Ultra四驱两个版本,消费者可根据需求选择2 ...