Worldcoin is set to hold a major event in San Francisco on October 17, focusing on enhancing technologies to scale its ...
After losing over 80 percent in value in the past seven months, Worldcoin (WLD) price has signaled a potential reversal in the near term.
BTC冲刺 7万美元?Tether 庆生;比特币6万美元保卫战;Meta逆袭;Worldcoin“转战”亚洲 20241008 ...
BOSS Wallet数据来源,Worldcoin今日价格行情,WLD最新价格跌落至$1.76,跌幅达-3.56%,交易量$2.07亿从k线图的研究结果来看,现在是震荡趋势。相比14:00小幅上涨,相比15:00小幅下跌,比12:00有所回升,比09 ...
The United States Supreme Court has denied hearing a case involving "stolen" BTC from the formerly prosperous Silk Road ...
The HBO documentary turned the spotlight on an early Bitcoin contributor who recently has proposed an upgrade to fix all the ...
The cryptocurrency market witnessed a mixed performance on October 9, 2024. Several digital assets, including Bitcoin (BTC) ...
财经事务及库务局局长许正宇表示,香港去年发行的绿色和可持续债务总额超过500亿美元,当中,债券总额约300亿美元,占亚洲区市场总额的37%。而截止今年6月,本港有超过230只ESG基金获批,资产管理规模逾1.3万亿港元,按年分别增长19%和8%,反映香港市场对可持续投资的兴趣不断增加。 许正宇在出席香港绿色金融协会年度论坛时致辞说,政府正致力巩固国际金融中心地位,并重视绿色发展,目标今年稍後推出应 ...
长实执行董事赵国雄表示,本港整体楼市已经见底,但暂时未见楼市会急剧反弹,预计今年馀下时间有3%至5%上升空间,期望楼市逐步平稳重拾活力。他表示,楼市由高峰期至今已经累计下调约25%至30%,但目前地产商整体库存仍然多,限制楼价升幅 。他认为,随着经济好转,住宅需求将会增加,相信当气氛回复,楼价将稳步回升。不过,年初至今楼价已经累跌5%至7%,相信全年楼价或会较去年略为下跌,具体跌幅仍要视乎市场气氛 ...
Cryptocurrencies traded in a narrow band ahead of the release of the minutes of the recent FOMC. A firmer Dollar Index and absence of further stimulus measures from China ...