Onze grandes zonas de alta tecnologia na China estabeleceram em conjunto uma rede colaborativa para promover a inovação na ...
In Guangdong, how is general AI being established? What is the development of "AI+" across various industries? How can we ...
近年来,具身智能(Embodied Artificial ...
同时,某些投资者已同意从文远知行这里购买价值3.205亿美元的A类普通股,其中,雷诺日产三菱联盟的风险投资基金、WeRide现有支持者 Alliance Ventures将购买价值9700 万美元的股票。JSC International ...
The transformative power of artificial intelligence in the human resources sector took center stage at the quarterly Meiyuan ...
2024年10月15日,知名科技高等学府卡内基梅隆大学(CMU)宣布开设一项新硕士项目——人工智能系统管理硕士(Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Systems Management,简称AIM ...
AGI Readiness团队解散的原因是其负责人离职。本周三,AGI Readiness负责人Miles ...
OpenAI再次传出新的变动。 近日外媒报道,OpenAI正在解散其“AGI Readiness”团队,团队成员将分配至内部其它团队。 AGI全称为Artificial general intelligence,即通用人工智能,它具备自主的感知、认知 ...
10月25日,Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.(以下简称FF)宣布与与Sheikh Abdulla Al Qassimi的Master投资集团达成共同投资协议。Sheikh Abdulla Al ...
互联网科技的新前沿正以前所未有的速度推动着社会进步和发展。从人工智能到物联网再到量子计算等技术的不断突破和创新将为我们的生活带来更加便捷、智能和安全的体验。然而我们也应清醒地认识到任何技术的快速发展都伴随着挑战和风险。因此我们需要加强国际合作与交流(Strengthen international cooperation and ...
Theater is often regarded as one of the most powerful forms of human expression. Today, as we are going through ...