It turns out you should ― there is such a thing as “contagious anxiety.” “Our nervous system is constantly picking up on ...
Feeling stressed by modern life? Try these 6 yoga poses and breathing techniques to reduce stress, boost mental health, and protect against lifestyle diseases.
One standout is nadi shodhana pranayama, or alternate nostril breathing, which is particularly effective at alleviating anxiety and stress while helping to clear energy blockages.
Bankston says some other ways to manage post-election stress can include taking a jog or just taking deep breaths.
In a time when anxiety and accusations dominate airwaves, it’s easy to get swept up into the fray. But when life feels ...
Paranoia is a common symptom of dementia, and it’s one of the hardest to deal with. Though there isn’t a definitive stage of ...
Therapy options like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are effective in managing the emotional effects of epilepsy. A ...
REM stands for rapid eye movement — a stage in the sleep cycle when your brain is almost as active as when you’re awake.
Stress and anxiety are considered to be normal, but can be overwhelming for some. People may often use the terms interchangeably as they have similar symptoms such as restlessness and muscle tension.
A minimum stress is unavoidable in any situation and it is necessary to take parenting tips every now and then! It is ...
Anxiety and racing thoughts make falling asleep difficult - in fact, 36% of the people in our survey described that exact ...