Samaritan's Purse gives information on how to help the organization's cause of donating shoeboxes full of hygiene items, toys, and school supplies to children living across the world. The organization ...
One particular claim references the passage where Jesus tells a Canaanite woman, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs” (Matt. 15:26), alleging that Jesus is ...
Jesus Dominguez is also set to be arraigned after being accused of murdering his two children (Pueblo Police Dept) Minjarez also told another relative that “life would be so much easier ...
Some 12,000 Christians, young, old, male and female, and of various ethnicities, walked through the center of the city of Dublin in excited solidarity for the faith at the first ever “March for Jesus.
After that Joseph seems to drop out of the story, and it is assumed that he had died. Only Mary is at the crucifixion, but not Joseph, and Jesus asks John to look after Mary (John 19:26-27). For some ...
The Church took care of us in Kingston. Hunger was not a stranger to us; torn clothes were not strange to us; kindness was not a stranger to us. We give thanks to God for everything.