一个聚焦意识形态问题的游戏,背后的工作室最终陷入了意识形态大分裂的结局。重生的三款游戏,每一部都在试图争夺《极乐迪斯科》的唯一合法继承权。事情发展至此,谁会登上“精神续作”的宝座,谁和谁又会被钉在“炒冷饭”“吃老本”的耻辱柱上,似乎已经显得不那么重要 ...
近日,埃隆·马斯克在推特上发文,表示:“我们需要一个视频游戏玩家投票集团!让游戏再次伟大!!(Make Games Great Again!!)”,这一言论迅速引发了网友们的广泛讨论。 在评论区,不少网友对马斯克的提议表达了支持与热情: 有网友直言: ...
Roblox Corporation 宣布更改其儿童安全政策,这将影响青少年用户与其流行的游戏平台互动的方式。此举是在有人指责该公司经常未能保护其以年轻玩家为主的玩家群之后做出的,最近,一份谴责报告称 Roblox 为“X ...
This is exactly what Clodoaldo Brasilino Leite Neto, a Brazilian professor and PhD researcher in Cyber Security at Zhejiang ...
Unity 6引擎正式发布 Unity 6, the latest iteration of Unity's popular game engine, has been officially released. According to the company's CEO Matt Bromberg, it was developed with input from developers ...
成都蓉城球员周定洋在社交媒体上点评了自己FC25的卡,周定洋表示,自己的防守数值感觉不太准。 周定洋写道:“新赛季FC上手舒适,但我的防守数值感觉不太准啊👀 盼着比赛日早些回来,亟待回到现实中证明自己!😉⚽ Enjoyed the ...
Approximately two months after the conclusion of the Paris Olympic Games, Chinese people's enthusiasm for sports is driving ...
= (It is) needless to say (that) …. = It is obvious that …. 例:It goes without saying that it pays off to keep early hours. 不用说早睡早起是值得的。 例︰Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 在 ...
当我们回看23年中至今,拿到高额融资和表现亮眼的GameFi相关项目(目前GambleFi也归类于GameFi领域),高额融资主要集中在游戏平台和游戏Layer3等GameFi赛道的infra建设,而最亮眼的当属年初至今让无数人前仆后继的pump.f ...
10月20日,全球领先的游戏电竞娱乐品牌Qiddiya宣布,中国电竞传奇人物SKY李晓峰正式成为Qiddiya Gaming中国大使。“享受电竞人生,创造无限可能”,SKY的精神内核与Qiddiya ...
China's swimming sensation Qin Haiyang secured his second gold at the World Aquatics Swimming World Cup in Shanghai, clocking ...