Experts say a gaming addiction often points to an underlying mental health condition such as depression. There is also a risk ...
The White Buffalo Healing Lodge in Butte has given people a path to recovery and is helping artists at the same time.
Tyler native and former Tampa Bay Buccaneers center Randy Grimes was in his home town on Friday to speak about recovery from ...
Around 10 years ago, Denver resident Tom Filippini was playing hundreds of hours of ping pong as a recovering alcoholic.
C Health introduced the 4C Community Corner, a space for local teens ages 14-17, Wednesday morning during a ribbon cutting ...
Dear Annie: Several years ago, my wife suffered a stroke. As part of her recovery, her doctor recommended a video game to ...
First off, I am very sorry that your wife suffered a stroke. It must have been incredibly scary and challenging for both of you. Now that she is in the healing process, it seems she has become ...
DEAR ANNIE: Several years ago, my wife suffered a stroke. As part of her recovery, her doctor recommended a video game to ...
Several years ago, my wife suffered a stroke. As part of her recovery, her doctor recommended a video game to help improve her hand-eye coordination. At first, it seemed like a great idea; it gave her ...
Dear Annie: Several years ago, my wife suffered a stroke. As part of her recovery, her doctor recommended a video game to ...
Several years ago, my wife suffered a stroke. As part of her recovery, her doctor recommended a video game to help improve ...
Dear Annie: Several years ago, my wife suffered a stroke. As part of her recovery, her doctor recommended a video game to ...