For this Management Research Project you can choose from several routes. These include an individual dissertation and team-based projects, and applied research for an external organisation. Visit our ...
Gain practical experience on an industry project and field trip. Ready to take your first step into management? This one-year programme offers the perfect preparation. Taking an in-depth analytical ...
You can choose from the following routes: Academic dissertation: a methodical exploration of a chosen area of study. Applied extended project: a management research project with an external partner ...
The Master of Engineering Management (MEM) Program has two distinct areas for which it works on projects with external clients. Academic year projects are offered at no charge to the client as part of ...
Portfolio management is how you set yourself up for long-term financial success and stability. Learn how to square your own investments with your time horizon and risk tolerance. There’s no one ...
Accelerate your management career with this flexible programme. Study at LSE and abroad, and graduate with a CEMS double degree or take an MBA exchange term. Develop the critical and analytical skills ...
The Department of Management & Organizations prepares students to understand and lead organizations with a wide range of missions and purposes. You can choose to focus your major in one of four ...
The Management and Global Business department equips students with necessary tools and skills needed to manage and lead in the globally integrated economy. Management is the act of getting people ...
The Master in Management Program at Chicago Booth is for high-achieving recent college graduates who are curious about the world of business and searching for a masters degree in management that ...
We are among the global elite of Triple Crown accredited business and management schools. We have a positive impact on working lives, organisations and societies worldwide, fostering socially ...
This journal utilises an Online Peer Review Service (OPRS) for submissions. By clicking "Continue" you will be taken to our partner site https://mc.manuscriptcentral ...
Challenge perceptions and embrace diversity in two key global economic centres: London and Shanghai. You’ll gain two internationally recognised degrees – a Masters in Management (MiM) and a Masters in ...