The Unity Awards winners are in. We are, of course, talking about the Unity game engine and its developers annual awards, ...
Unity 5 cemented the game engine's position as a viable platform for all creative industries and Unity 6 goes further in ...
Den of Wolves is one of the first Unity 6 games we know about, and I sat down with the developers at 10 Chambers to learn ...
昨日,Unity官方平台公众号对外宣布,Unity 6引擎已正式发布。作为一款跨平台游戏开发引擎,Unity不仅支持2D与3D游戏的开发,还广泛应用于VR、AR、模拟器及互动体验领域。 Unity ...
对于CG艺术家而言,Unity 6带来了许多关键性的变化。其中,水、云、毛发和皮肤的渲染效果得到了显著提升。此外,GPU Resident Drawer技术的引入可实现复杂场景的快速渲染,而新的渲染超分辨率技术则进一步提升了图像质量。
快科技10月18日消息,Unity官方平台公众号昨日宣布,Unity ...
The Football Manager 25 launch date has been pushed back. But should the game's developers cancel it entirely and focus on ...
Data centre operator Adisyn (AI1) has proposed to acquire 2D Generation, an Israeli-based semiconductor IP business, with ...
【ITBEAR】Unity官方平台公众号近日宣布,正式推出Unity 6游戏开发引擎。Unity作为一款跨平台的游戏开发引擎,广泛应用于2D和3D游戏以及虚拟现实(VR)、增强现实(AR)、模拟器和互动体验的开发。 Unity ...
10月18日,游戏开发社区内传出重磅消息——Unity官方宣布,备受期待的Unity 6引擎正式发布。作为全球领先的跨平台游戏开发引擎,Unity在2D和3D游戏、虚拟现实 (VR)、增强现实 (AR)等领域一直占据着重要的市场份额。此次发布的Unity 6不仅在图形功能上进行了全面升级,更是在CPU性能方面实现了高达4倍的飞跃。让我们一起深入了解这一变化将给游戏开发带来的深远影响。
「上海字符无限科技」杰普软件战略合作伙伴,十八年来专注IT行业产学研一体化,主营游戏开发与设计,Unity/UE虚幻引擎开发与设计,VR/AR/MR,智慧城市,数字孪生,元宇宙相关等高端人才孵化。 10 月 14 日至 16 ...
Florida, has called on the Department of Justice to open a domestic terrorism investigation into Unity of Fields, a pro-Hamas ...