【超级碗】是傅踢踢在笔会的专栏 这两年的新春,当身边人还在半推半就地等待“春晚”,我已经掐着手指盯着日历,静候那一场“超级碗”。 不止是中场秀。这场美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)的王者对决,从第一秒就会吸引我的目光。再夸张点说,我的年度“橄榄球时间”,从赛季前的选秀就已开始。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
第59届超级碗比赛预计将在本周日吸引创纪录的赌注金额流向合法的体育博彩平台,这可能会提振Caesars Entertainment的股票表现,Bank of America表示。毕竟,这场比赛将在位于新奥尔良、可容纳76,500名观众的Caesars Superdome举行。Bank of America分析师Shaun ...
He’s angry and defensive. He’s ready to fight back.