Craig Duncan, head of Sea of Thieves studio Rare, will take over as the Xbox Game Studios boss later this year.
游戏玩家们,注意了!微软Xbox游戏工作室即将迎来新的领导者。现任负责人Alan Hartman宣布,他将在11月底退休,结束在微软长达36年的职业生涯。接替他的将是Rare工作室的负责人Craig Duncan。
Rare studio chief Craig Duncan will take over the role of head of Xbox Game Studios shortly, with Joe Neate and Jim Horth ...
《盗贼之海》工作室Rare老大Craig Duncan现已被微软提拔为Xbox工作室群负责人,将负责监管整个Xbox工作室团队,包括Halo Studios,The Coalition, Turn 10, Playground Games, Rare ...
The head of Xbox Game Studios Alan Hartman is set to retire at the end of November, marking an end to 30 years working at ...
【环球网科技综合报道】10月15日消息,微软Xbox游戏工作室负责人Alan Hartman宣布,他将于11月底正式退休。这一消息标志着Xbox游戏部门将迎来一次重要的领导层更迭。接任Hartman职位的将是Rare工作室负责人Craig ...
Xbox Games Studios head Alan Hartman is stepping down from his post after more than three decades working at parent company ...
Hartman最出名的是2005年领导并组建了《极限竞速》系列工作室Turn 10。去年,他接任Xbox游戏工作室的领导职务。在36年的游戏职业生涯中,他还参与了《帝国时代》和《神鬼寓言》等热门系列游戏的开发工作。
IT之家 10 月 15 日消息,微软 Xbox 游戏工作室负责人 Alan Hartman 将于 11 月底退休,职位由 Rare 工作室负责人 Craig Duncan 接任。即将退休的 Hartman ...
In a major leadership change at Xbox Game Studios, Craig Duncan, the current head of Rare, has been named the new Xbox ...
Craig Duncan, the head of Microsoft studio Rare, will become the new head of Xbox Game Studios as current boss Alan ...