China has introduced a package of incremental policies that aims to address economic downturns, boost domestic demand, ...
10月10日|据睿见Economy,2024上海全球资产管理论坛今日举行。高盛中国联席主管、高盛(中国)证券有限责任公司董事长范翔出席并演讲。范翔表示,目前高盛内部已有共识。中国已是全球第二大经济体,“这是非常重要的,而且再往后的几十年,我看不到任何 ...
“就算特朗普能够兑现一半的承诺,也足以给美国经济带来混乱和负面的结果。”前奥巴马政府白宫经济学家、现任哈佛大学教授的杰森·弗曼(Jason ...
BEIJING, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- The combined turnover of China's Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses reached 3.45 trillion yuan (about ...
第一, 美联储每年召开8次议息会议,会议纪要(Minutes)是对政策形成过程和政策背后逻辑的详细说明,一般在会议三周后公布。9月17日议息会议的决定是降息50bp(4.75-5.0%的政策利率目标区间) [1] 。市场主要关注为何美联储选择首次降息50bp而不是市场一致预期的25bp。
Former national security officials warned on Tuesday that Australia is unprepared for the cascading and existential impacts ...
BEIJING, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- China is confident to maintain steady and healthy economic growth and achieve the full-year ...
BEIJING, Oct. 5 (Xinhua) -- During the week-long National Day holiday starting on Oct. 1, Chinese people take a break to ...
Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno has said that the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East would ...
From January to August 2024, Chery Automobile achieved cumulative sales of 1.5 million units, marking a year-on-year increase ...
第18届墨西哥国际海报双年展(18 Bienal Internacional del Cartel en México)于九月初公告获选名单,中国科技大学视传系施盈廷老师以一张名为「No ECO No ECONOMY」的海报,被选入「经济永续」类别中 ...
穿着汉服,在湖南博物院的博物馆公园里,沉浸式体验两千年前的“数字汉生活”;品味湘剧,于百年焕新的长沙天心阁光影公园,与星城三千年历史相逢有期;吟诵诗歌,进橘子洲景区的《恰同学少年》青春剧场,做一回戏中人激扬青春……Wearing Hanfu, ...