(布鲁塞尔15日讯)与美国矽谷竞争!一些欧洲最大的科技独角兽公司的创始人支援1封公开信,呼吁通过创建一个单一的泛欧实体来推动“科技复兴”,以促进欧盟的初创企业和创新,让欧盟在世界舞台上更具竞争力。《CNBC》报导,在培养全球科技巨头方面,欧洲长期以来 ...
BRUSSELS, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- European Union (EU) Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson announced that the EU is ready for the possibility of no Russian gas flowing through Ukraine when the current transit ...
Since September 20, China and the EU have held eight rounds of intensive consultations in Brussels regarding the EV tariff ...
TMTPost -- Following a make-or-break vote, the European Union members have decided to move forward with a plan to levy up to ...
由于怀疑中国电商拼多多的跨境销售平台Temu未能采取足够措施阻止非法产品的销售,欧洲联盟(EU)委员会星期五(10月11日)要求该公司提供更多的资料以供调查。 Temu自从2023年登陆欧洲市场以来,在民众中受欢迎程度一直很高。Temu今年稍早曾表示 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 12 (Xinhua) -- China and the European Union (EU) have yet to reach a mutually acceptable solution on the EU's anti-subsidy case involving Chinese electric vehicles (EV), despite ...
(法新社日内瓦15日电) 欧洲联盟(EU)与非成员国瑞士正进行双边协议谈判,欧盟部长会议今天拒绝瑞士所要求的一项附加条款,其内容是允许瑞士限制来自欧盟的移民。
BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) — Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin on Tuesday said China is ready to work with the European Union (EU) to continue to promote women's broad and in-depth participation in ...
“欧盟-德国与柬埔寨可持续农业和粮食系统伙伴关系项目” ( EU-German Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture and Food systems,简称EU-German Capsafe)获得欧盟和德国联邦经济合作与发展部(BMZ)提供的2700万美元援助。项目为期五年,将在至少4个目标省份开展,即磅通省、桔井省、特本克蒙省和贡布省。
China's Ministry of Commerce announced Tuesday that it will impose temporary anti-dumping measures on brandy originating in ...
巴黎2024年10月15日 /美通社/ -- ...