The nostalgia behind the slogan “Make America great again” has always provoked the obvious questions of just when America was ...
Make America Great Again.” The historical events documented in Montgomery and now burned in my memory make it impossible to find a time when America was great for all of its people; where all ...
Weaponizing tariffs will not make America great again. Protectionism hurts everyone. The United States should abandon its ...
Families are one of the building blocks of our society. The Trump administration could help working families a great deal by ...
Trump has vowed to defeat inflation and bring manufacturing back but his tariffs are actually hastening the decline he aims to reverse Besides US President Donald Trump's land grab threats, tariffs ...
Mere weeks into Donald Trump's comeback presidency, many of his moves are making Americans less secure at home and abroad.
We made oil and gas great again through the shale revolution. We can make nuclear energy great again through nuclear ...
"First, I will start by saying that I am a conservative, longtime Republican and believer in the principles that do make ...
The plaque, meant to commemorate the 50th anniversary this year of the Huntington Beach Central Library’s opening, has at the ...
President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” political slogan has unknown origins in Langston Hughes, and Skye ...